Understanding the influence of elections on consumers is paramount as political shifts can ripple through the economy, shaping consumer confidence and impacting purchasing decisions. In the 2024 election, exploring its potential effects on consumer dynamics, particularly regarding prices of basic necessities, is essential for navigating economic trends. 

In this article, we will delve into the effects of the 2024 election on consumers in the economic sector. PT Global Loyalty Indonesia conducted a survey of 100 respondents both in Java and outside Java to discern any differences among them.

Consumers who live in Java find out election information from TV and TikTok. Meanwhile, consumers outside Java find out election information from TV and Facebook.


The majority of consumers who live in Java and outside Java feel that the prices of basic necessities are increasing ahead of the election, especially rice (in Java) and cooking oil (outside Java).


Both consumers who live in Java and outside Java are minimizing the impact of rising basic food prices by reducing the purchase of basic necessities in quantity/seeking smaller packaging sizes than before.


Both consumers who live in Java and outside Java are hopeful that 2024 Election will have a positive impact on the economy in their respective regions. They hope for stable food prices, a decrease in the poverty rate, and evenly distributed economic growth both within and outside Java Island.


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